The lifecycle of CCNode

#Cocos2d #iOS

CCNode have three methods on scene managment:

@interface NSNode
- (void)onEnter;
- (void)onEnterTransitionDidFinish;
- (void)onExit;

When you call replaceScene with a CCDirector instance, the three methods will be revoked. The general order of the execution likes below:

scene: OtherScene
init: <OtherScene = 07690B30 | Tag = -1>
onExit: <FirstScene = 0D85C430 | Tag = -1>
dealloc: <FirstScene = 0D85C430 | Tag = -1>
onEnter: <OtherScene = 07690B30 | Tag = -1>
onEnterTransitionDidFinish: <OtherScene = 07690B30 | Tag = -1>

The first scene will be relased before the second call onEnter method. But when the CCNode enters the stage with a transition, for example:

CCSlideInBTransition* transition = [CCSlideInBTransition transitionWithDuration:3 scene:[OtherScene scene]];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:transition];

you will get another result:

scene: OtherScene 
init: <OtherScene = 08BC4640 | Tag = -1>
onEnter: <OtherScene = 08BC4640 | Tag = -1>
onExit: <FirstScene = 0E158AC0 | Tag = -1>
onEnterTransitionDidFinish: <OtherScene = 08BC4640 | Tag = -1>
dealloc: <FirstScene = 0E158AC0 | Tag = -1>

The first scene will be release after the second call onEnterTransitionDidFinish method.