在 Rails 3.0.5 中使用mongodb的时候,突然发现rails server启动不了,提示错误:
cannot remove Object::NotSupported
跟踪log,发现rails无法加载initializers下的mongodb配置连接, 原因是mongodb服务突然停止了。 但是在shell下却又无法启动mongod进程, 下面是报错:
couldn’t connect to server (anon):1154 exception: connect failed
Sending a KILL signal kill -9 will probably cause damage as mongod will not be able to cleanly exit. (In such a scenario, run the repairDatabase command.
After a unclean shutdown, MongoDB will say it was not shutdown cleanly, and ask you to do a repair. This is absolutely not the same as corruption, this is MongoDB saying it can’t 100% verify what’s going on, and to be paranoid, run a repair.
看来是进程被不小心kill掉了,属于不优雅的停止方式, 一定程度上会对数据库造成破坏, 需要进行repair修复:
sudo mongod --repair --dbpath /usr/local/mongodb_data/
启动方式可以参考MongoDB服务的启动和停止. 如果已经配置了自动启动脚本,会发现mongodb已经启动了。