

关于Apple Push Notification Service的配置流程,以前在cocoachina上发过一篇详细的帖子:http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/read.php?tid-20723.html


Error in registration. Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000 UserInfo=0x1179f0 “未找到应用程序的“aps-environment”的权利字符串”

刚开始以为是Provisioning Profiles出了问题,但是经过再三核查,确认的Push Notification状态已经是Enabled for Development.


5.Verify that the entitlements in the provisioning-profile file are correct. To do this, open the .mobileprovision file in a text editor. The contents of the file are structured in XML. In the Entitlements dictionary locate the aps-environment key. For a development provisioning profile, the string value of this key should be development; for a distribution provisioning profile, the string value should be production.



估计是下载mobileprovision文件的时候, APNS还没有激活. 重新在生成一次mobileprovision文件,再编译应该就可以了.